Schedule Pattern Import

Revision as of 19:11, 8 May 2015 by Stage (Talk | contribs)

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The schedule pattern adds schedule patterns to the employee. These are entered manually in the Schedule Pattern tab.

Required Columns

Column Type



Employee ID

Employee ID, Emp ID, ID

The employee ID – a unique identifier for the employee



The shift of the schedule pattern. The base schedule marked as the Default for that shift is used unless the sub shift is provided.

Day Of Week / Week Number

2 letter day of week followed by the week number

For example, Su 1. The contents of the cell is an identifier for the floor labor level, e.g. 1. The floor, combined with the day of the week, the week number, and the shift provides enough information to add a schedule pattern.

Optional Columns

Column Type



Home Floor

Home + the labor level ID or name

For example, Home Unit. Sets the employee’s home floor labor level from the effective date in the Options tab. This has no effect on the floor used determining the schedule patterns.

Schedule Patterns Weeks

Schedule Patterns Weeks, Weeks

Schedule Pattern tab. Set to the number of weeks of schedule patterns being provided.

Scheduling Labor Levels

The ID or name of the labor level, e.g. Department

The labor level ID, labor level description, or the scheduler ID. Required for cross departmental scheduling.

Sub Shift

Sub Shift

The sub shift ID, e.g. 06:00 AM – 02:00 PM.