Employee Reports

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Duplicate Social Security Numbers

Find employees that are in the software more than once (i.e. work for you as an employee and previously worked as agency staff) if you have entered their Social Security Numbers.

Employee Address List

Displays the employee name, and their complete address, one line per employee.

Employee Comments

Displays the comments that were used on the employee’s time cards (pay date, punches and other hours), schedules and placeholders. Select the comment types in the Options tab.

Employee Detail (Excel)

This report is output into an Excel file and provides most of the employee information. This can be used as the starting point for an Excel spreadsheet that will be used for importing information back into the software.

Employee Journal

Displays the entries made in the Journal tab, within the selected date range.

Employee Labels

The employee labels report allows you to create labels using a configuration file. The configuration file contains information about the label design, and the information to print on the label. Specify the configuration file in the Options tab. The software will look for the file in the labels subdirectory. If the file is not placed in the labels subdirectory, then you must provide the full path and filename.

Sample Template File

Here is the content of a sample file. The file uses XML tags to provide the label information. You can create or edit these files in Notepad.

 <LabelContent><![CDATA[<p align='center'><b><FullName></b><br><LaborLevel3Description><br><EmployeeID></p>]]></LabelContent>

Base Requirements

The file requires one top-level tag <Settings></Settings>.

Measurements are specified in points. This is the same measurement used for the font size in programs like Microsoft Word or Excel. There are 72 points to one inch.

Allowable Tags

Within the Settings tag, the following tags are allowed. If a tag is not specified, then the default value is used. The default values are based on the Avery 5160 labels, a standard 30 to a page label. Therefore, if you are using 5160 labels, then you can start with just the LabelContent tag. Other tags need to be added to nudge the labels down or across the page to align perfectly when printing.

RowCount – specifies how many rows of labels per page. The default is 10.

ColumnCount – specifies how many columns of labels per page. The default is 3.

LeftMargin – specifies the distance from the left edge of the paper to the left edge of the labels in the first column. The default is 14 (0.19").

TopMargin – specifies the distance from the top edge of the paper to the top edge of the labels in the first row. The default is 36 (1/2").

LabelHeight – specifies the height of an individual label. The default is 72 (1").

LabelWidth – specifies the width of an individual label. The default is 189 (2 5/8").

ColumnSpacing – specifies the horizontal distance between labels. This is the distance between the right edge of a label and the left edge of a label in the next column. The default is 9 (0.12").

RowSpacing – specifies the vertical distance between labels. This is the distance between the bottom edge of a label and the top edge of a label in the next row. The default is 0.

LabelLeftMargin – specifies the distance between the left edge of the label and the label content. The default is 0. Typically, the label content is centered so no margin needs to be specified.

LabelTopMargin – specifies the distance between the top edge of the label and the label content. The default is 18 (1/4"), so that the text is not too close to the top of the label.

FontSize – specifies the default size of the font used in the label content. The default is 12. The default font used is Helvetica. Fonts are specified in the label content tag (see below).

DownThenAcross – specifies that direction in which labels should be printed. The default is false.

BorderWidth – by setting the border width (1 is sufficient) you can see the actual layout of the labels. This assists you in making adjustments until what prints out aligns with the labels. The default is 0.

Label Content

The label content tag uses HTML. The standard HTML tags are allowed. In addition to the HTML, placeholders are used to represent what employee information is required.

The LabelContent value must start with <![CDATA[ and end with ]]>. This is necessary because both the placeholders and HTML use the characters < and > which have a special meaning in an XML file.


The following placeholders are supported:

<EmployeeID> – replaced with the employee's ID.

<FullName> – replaced with the employee's full name.

<FirstName> – replaced with the employee's first name.

<LastName> – replaced with the employee's last name.

<Initial> – is replaced with the employee's initial.

<LaborLevelXID> – replaced with the employee's labor level ID where X is the level (0 based). For example, if you are using 3 labor levels of Company, Department and Floor, then LaborLevel1ID would be replaced with the employee's department ID.

<LaborLevelXDescription> – replaced with the employee's labor level description where X is the level (0 based). For example, if using 3 labor levels of Company, Department and Floor, then LaborLevel1Description would be replaced with the employee's department description.

<PayRule> – replaced with the employee's pay rule ID.

<BaseScheduleGroup> – replaced with the employee's base schedule group ID.

<HolidayGroup> – replaced with the employee's holiday group ID.

<SocialSecurityNumber> – replaced with the employee's SSN (if the user is authorized to see SSNs).

<ShiftCount> – replaced with the employee's current shift count.

<DailyHours> – replaced with the employee's current daily hours.


The formatting allows the use of simple HTML. The HTML tags are not case sensitive. The following HTML tags can be used:


<B> - bold

E.g., this is bold text.

<I> – italic

E.g., this is in italics.

<U> – underline

E.g. this is underlined.

<P> – paragraph

The paragraph tag allows for a number of attributes. The most common attribute is align.

<p align='center'>this text is centered</p>

E.g. this text is centered

<BR> – line break
<Font> – the font tag allows for a number of attributes:

Color, e.g. I am red text.

Face, e.g. I am Times text. The allowable fonts are Times, Helvetica, Courier, Symbol and Zapf Dingbats. Helvetica is the default font for the labels.

Size – specifies the HTML font size for the text. This is mapped to a point size internally (0 = 6 points, 1 = 8 points, 2 = 10 points, 3 = 12 points, 4 = 14 points, 5 = 18 points, 6 = 24 points, 7 = 36 points).

PointSize – specifies the size of the text in points. The default point size is 12.


<LabelContent><![CDATA[<p align='center'><b><FullName></b><br><LaborLevel3Description><br><EmployeeID></p>]]></LabelContent>

The actual label content information is:


The complete content is surrounded by a

tag using the align attribute with a value of center. Therefore, the complete label is centered. The employee's full name is displayed in bold text followed by a line break (
). The description of the 4th labor level is displayed followed by a line break. The employee ID will be on the third line.

Employee Contact List

Displays the employees with their contact information. One employee is displayed per line with employees grouped by the first letter of their last name.

Employee Reasons

If using Reasons in the software, this report displays the employees and the reasons provided when editing their punches, hours and schedules.

Employee Shift History (Excel)

This report is output to an Excel file and displays up to 10 of the employee’s shift history entries, across the sheet.

Employee Seniority

List employees in order of hire date and current shift (slot) level. This report is used to determine the order of eligibility for an available position.

Employee Status

A simple employee report that shows an employee and their currently determined status.

Employee Status Change

This report shows employees who had a status change within the selected date range. The software allows you to pre-enter the information about employees who are becoming inactive in the future. The software will maintain the employee as active until the inactive date has been passed and the employee has been paid.