Accrual Date Entitlements Configuration

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The date entitlements configuration provides a table based view of the date-based accrual entitlement levels. Each accrual entitlement is comprised of an accrual group, an accrual pay type, an entitlement type, and the date of the entitlement.

The date of the entitlement is used in different ways, based upon the entitlement type:

  • Fixed Date – the complete date is used.
  • Recurring Fixed Date – only the Month and Day is used. The year is only used to start it and will then repeat automatically every year afterwards.
  • Anniversary (Month) - the date is not used. The date will be calculated based on the Month # column, e.g. if Month # is 6 then the date will be the 6 month anniversary of the employee’s first non-zero shift count history date.
  • Every Nth Month - use the (Nth From / Nth To) instead of the (From Month / To Month). Month # is required as an interval (use 12 for a yearly interval). This setting requires a software restart to take effect.
  • Anniversary (For Year) - the year portion of the date is used, with the month and day coming from the first non-zero shift count entry in the employee’s shift history.
  • Recurring Anniversary (From Year) - the year portion of the date is used to start it and will then repeat automatically every year afterwards. The month and day will be taken from the first non-zero shift count entry in the employee’s shift history.
  • Birthday (For Year) – the year portion of the date is used, with the month and day coming from the employee’s birth date.
  • Recurring Birthday (From Year) – the year portion of the date is used to start it and will then repeat automatically every year afterwards, with the month and day coming from the employee’s birth date.
  • Birthday Or Fixed Date –
  • 90 Worked Days – On the date that the employee reaches 90 worked days since their hire date, it will give them the entitlement.
  • Each Accrual Period - Will give the entitlement at the end of each accrual period.

Amount Type:

  • Days X Proportioned Daily hours - proportioned accrual based off their shift count. (The length of a Day is (Employee Shift Count / Fulltime Shift Count) x Employee Daily Hours).
  • Days X Daily hours - calculates the accrual as if the employee is a full timer, instead of a proportioned accrual based off their shift count.
  • Days X Proportioned Daily hours (Rounded) - rounds the proportioned accrual to the nearest quarter hour (15/8).
  • Days X Holiday Rule -
  • Hours -

Minimum/Maximum Worked Hours columns will count the total worked hours of the employee from prior accrual periods. The number of prior accrual periods to look back to calculate the combined total is entered in the "# of Periods" column. If "# of Periods" is 0 then this filter is not in effect. If it's 1 it will only use the previous period. If it's 2 it will use the prior 2 periods.

Union Only column requires that the employee has an union date, or is in a union department.

Minimum/Maximum shift count columns are provided to filter an entitlement based on the employee’s shift history, e.g. only full timers accrue their birthday.

Effective From and Effective To columns will limit the time frame of the entitlement that it will only be applied to accrual periods where the accrual period start date is within the from-to dates.

Qualification/Disqualification Level columns are used to indicate which Schedule Status Types or Pay Types will qualify/disqualify this accrual date entitlements. (Requires turning it on in System settings, Accruals Pay Type settings, Schedule Status Type, and Pay Type).


See also