Accrual Reports

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Accrual Adjustments

Displays adjustments made to the accruals such as starting balances, earned and used adjustments.

Accrual Annual Summary

Displays employees accrual earned and used hours summarized for each calendar year.

Accrual Balances

Displays current accrual balances for the selected date range.

Accrual Balances Exceeded

Displays employees who have negative balances for the selected date range.

Accrual Detail

Displays employee accrual earned and used detail.

Accrual Earned and Used Pivot Grid

Displays earnings and usage in a pivot grid. When running this report for multiple accrual periods you must include columns for Start and End Date to be able to use the Balance column. If you do not do this, it will just show and average of the balance from each accrual period.

Accrual Entitlement Overrides

Displays employee accrual entitlement overrides.

Accrual Liability

Displays employee accrual balance hours and dollars for the selected date.

Accrual Liability Pivot Grid

Displays employee accrual balance hours and dollars in a pivot grid for the selected date.

Accrual Monthly Summary

Accrual Period Summary

Accrual Summary

Disqualified Date Entitlement

Employee Accrual Balances

Employee Accrual Liability

Employee Accrual Summary

Employee Accrual year End Adjustments

Employee Anniversary Balances

See Also