Saved Reports

Revision as of 18:16, 15 December 2016 by Stage (Talk | contribs)

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Saving Reports

Any changes that you make on a report can be saved so that you can run the report with the same settings at a later date.

  1. Choose the report from the Reports tab that you would like to save.
  1. Make any changes to the report so that when you click the Run button, the report that is displayed is correct. Please note that on the Date Range tab, you must use a Preset and not choose dates from the calendars.
  1. On the Save tab, enter a descriptive name for the Saved ID and click the Save button. Your name can also include a folder name such as Daily\Time Cards.

Your report is now saved. Close the report selection screen and from Saved Reports you can now select the report using the name that you used when you saved it. Any changes that you make on a report will be saved when you click the Run button.

Scheduling Reports

You can schedule any saved report to be automatically emailed on a recurring schedule, i.e. daily at 10am.

1. From the Reports tab, Saved Reports drop down, select the saved report

2. In the Emailed Reports tab, enter the email addresses in the Email Recipients box. Enter one email per line pressing the Enter key to separate email addresses.

3. Click the Run button to save the email addresses.

4. Go to the Tools tab and select Scheduled Tasks.

5. From the Saved Report drop down, select the saved report that you want to schedule.

from the drop-down menu, choose the frequency you want to run it and choose a start date/time and click add.

Your report is now scheduled and will be automatically emailed. To manually email the report, you can go to scheduled tasks, select the task and click the Run button. The system will instantly email the report.

See Also