Base Schedules Configuration

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Base Schedules

The base schedules are the template from which the employee schedules are built. The base schedules are organized under a base schedule group that contains base schedules. Base schedules are designated as either Default or Alternate. There should only be one base schedule defined as the Default per shift.

An employee is assigned to a base schedule group in their employee main screen.

Base Schedule Groups


Create the base schedule group and then add base schedules that belong to that group.

Base Schedule Group ID – an identifier that clearly identifies the base schedule group.

In Punch Weighting – this is used when determining the closest matching base schedule by deducting this number of minutes from the in punch time when calculating the minutes difference between the punch time and the schedule start time. This can help with correct schedule matching when employees punch in early and match incorrectly to an earlier starting schedule.

Out Punch Weighting – this is the same concept as the In Punch Weighting but handles when employees punch out late for their schedules.

Single Shift Length – when the number of hours between two punches is less than or equal to this number, the punches will match to a single schedule. When this number is exceeded, the punches will then match to two (or more) schedules.

Use Alternate Schedule On Equal Match – in some circumstances, an employee’s punches match equally to both a Default and an Alternate schedule. The Default schedule is used unless this is checked.

Base Schedules


Days Of Week – each base schedule is assigned one or more days within the calendar week. If the schedule is the same for every day of the week, then only one base schedule is necessary. Additionally, you can set the day of the week as holiday, day before holiday, and day after the holiday. This allows for different base schedules to be used, because of a holiday.

Schedule Type – a base schedule is designated as Default or Alternate. The Default schedules should cover all shifts that the employees assigned to this base schedule group will work. Enter one Default schedule per shift, and then enter multiple Alternate schedules as needed.

Open Start – hours will calculate for early in time even if the pay rule is set to pay early in punches to the schedule.

Schedule Times – the schedule starting and ending times and the relationship to the pay date within the 24 hour day, from midnight to midnight. For example, if the base schedule day of week is Monday and a schedule start time is 11:00pm on the Day Before, then this will become Sunday 11:00pm upon becoming an employee schedule.

Pay Type – the pay type to use for calculating the hours that use this schedule.

Shift – the shift designation for the hours that calculate using this schedule. If the shift contains sub-shifts, then the selection will show both the shift and the sub-shift, e.g. AM (06:30 AM to 02:30 PM). If this base schedule is used with the Scheduler module, then each schedule must be assigned to a different shift / sub-shift combination. Otherwise although the sub-shift is shown, it is not used for non-Scheduler employees.

# For Shift – although the documentation has stated to define one Default schedule per shift, this setting allows you to define more than one, by setting a second base schedule as number 2.

Shift Type - if set to "Single Only" then that schedule can only be used when the duration of the in to out punch is not more than the Single Shift Length setting. As soon as the In to Out is more than that it is a double shift and so this schedule can not be used as one of the double shifts.

Break Group – the break group used for calculating the lunches / breaks.

Schedule Status Type – set to Scheduled, Unscheduled, or Use Work Pattern. This setting is ignored when using the scheduling module. For non-scheduling employees, Scheduled and Unscheduled status type remain unchanged when the base schedule becomes an employee schedule. Use Work Pattern will become either Scheduled or Unscheduled based on the employee’s [ work pattern].

Scheduled Hours – represents the length of the schedule and can be used as the basis of a calculation.

Auto Hours - used together with an Auto Pay Type to give Hours/Punches automatically. If it's set to 0 it will give auto punches. If not 0 it will give auto hours.

Labor Levels – generally, the labor levels derive from the employee's labor levels. However, this allows you to define the labor levels at the base schedule level.

See also