Employee Time Cards
Display the time card information by selecting the employee from the employee list and clicking on the Time Cards tab.
The time cards from the selected pay period show on screen, defaulting to the current pay period. The pay period selector is in the Time Cards and Schedules group, under the Home tab.
Changing the selected pay period
- Select a pay period from the drop down list.
- Select the Previous Pay Period, Current Pay Period or Next Pay Period commands.
- Use the arrows to navigate backwards or forwards through the pay periods.
Time Card Screen
The time card screen has three parts - time card detail, daily detail and pay period summary.
The time card detail shows the punches, the total for each pay date and the exceptions for each pay date. One day from the next pay period is shown in case an employee has a punch fall incorrectly into the next pay period, typically because of a missed punch.
Clicking in any cell will display the daily detail for that pay date. The daily detail provides a shift and labor level breakout of the total hours shown for the selected date.
The pay period summary at the bottom of the time card screen displays the totals for each pay type and the total for the pay period.
Time Card Editing
Time card editing is comprised of adding, editing or deleting punches and adding, editing or deleting hours. Hours created from the calculation of the punches (punch hours) cannot be changed, but hours can be added or subtracted to adjust the totals for the pay date. Hours are also created automatically from the [ Holiday] rules (holiday hours).
For clarity, the hours that you enter manually into the software are called Other Hours, to distinguish them from the hours that calculate automatically from punches or for the holidays.
Punch Editing
Punches can be added, edited and deleted. You can work directly in the time card screen or for more advanced options use the punch screen.
In Cell Editing – to change a punch time, select the punch and then type in the new punch time. The punch date of the punch will not change (only the time will change).
In Cell Adding – click in an empty cell and enter the punch time. The punch date will be the same as the pay date. For example, this employee has a missing punch. Regardless of whether the In or the Out punch is missing, you can type in the missing punch time in the empty cell.
This is the time card with the missing punch.
This is the time card after typing 0300P in the missing cell and pressing Enter.
- Always enter the hour portion of the time as two digits such as 04, otherwise you will need to press the right arrow after entering 1 for the hour if you want to enter a time like 1:15pm. The software will not know if you want 1 or 11 as the hour so the cursor remains in the hour portion of the time until you press the right arrow. Entering the hour as two digits like 01 or 11 will avoid the use of the right arrow key.
- No assumption is made about the date of the added punch. The value in the pay date column is always the date of the punch.
- Punches will always sort themselves in date and time order, regardless of whether they are entered in the In or the Out column.
- If there is not an empty cell in a row that has the pay date value that you need for the punch, then you need to use the Add Punch command under the Home ribbon tab.
In Cell Deleting
Delete punches by selecting one or more punches using the mouse or the keyboard and pressing the Delete key.
Drag and Fill
Punches can be dragged up or down to add the same punch time to other pay dates. After selecting the punch, hover the mouse over the cell border, and the cursor will change to a +. Click and drag either in an up or down direction, selecting the cells that you wish to add the punches. A punch is added for each selected cell, using the pay date of the selected cell's row and the time of the "dragged" cell. It will not overwrite an existing punch.
Cut, copy and paste is supported using the standard Windows shortcut keys of Ctrl + C for Copy, Ctrl + V for Paste, and Ctrl + X for Cut. You can also access the clipboard from the Clipboard group under the Home ribbon tab.
Punch Screen
Use the Punch screen for adding or editing punches when you require greater control over the punch information. Double clicking in a punch cell will display the punch screen. If you double click on an existing punch, then you will get the Edit Punch screen. If you double click in an empty cell, then you will get the Add Punch screen. You can also get to the Add Punch screen from the Add Punch command under the Home ribbon tab.
Punch Date – this is the date the punch occurred, but not necessarily the pay date of the punch.
Punch Time – the time of the punch.
Punch Type – the type of punch. When adding a punch you can specify Out / In Punch to add 2 punches at the same time, i.e. to split a double shift. If you specify Swipe And Go, then the software decides what type of punch it is.
Reason – allows you to choose a reason. This is optional unless reasons are enforced.
Override Next Punch Cut Off – if selected, the next punch will “team up” with this punch. Select this to prevent an employee's in and out punches from being split into two different punch groups if the employee works a shift that is longer than normal.
Forced Pay Date – if the calculated pay date is incorrect, then you can force the pay date to the correct pay date. This is used to handle exceptions if an employee started working much earlier or later than usual and their time cards fell into the incorrect pay date.
Forced Calculated Date and Time – when the punches are correct, but the calculated punch time is incorrect, you can force the punch to calculate to a date and time of your selection. If you need to force the calculated punch date / time constantly, then the pay rules or the schedules are not configured correctly for this employee.
Forced Labor Levels – when an employee has a pair of punches, the software calculates hours from this punch pair. It matches the punches to a schedule, and uses the labor levels from the schedule as the labor levels for the calculated hours. Override the labor levels on the In punch of the punch pair to force the calculated hours to use different labor levels.
Note: forced labor levels have no impact when the employee is part of the Scheduler. The labor levels from the schedules are considered more powerful than the punch's labor levels.
Forced Pay Type– similar to Forced Labor Levels (see above) but overrides the pay type.
Forced Shift – similar to Forced Labor Levels (see above) but overrides the shift.
Audit – displays the audit trail for the punch.
Other Hours
Other Hours can be added or subtracted from an employee. Other Hours previously added could also be deleted.
Add and subtract hours in the time card screen or Other Hours screen. Delete previously added hours in the Other Hours screen only.
Adding or subtracting hours in the time card screen
Enter simple adjustments or additions of hours to a single day in the daily hours summary on the time card screen. Add the entry by completing the number of hours and exiting the cell or pressing the Enter key.
- To make an adjustment to an existing calculation of hours (i.e. any row except the “New” row), change the current number in the Hours column and press Enter. The difference between the prior hours value and the hours value you entered will be calculated, and this adjustment added to the Other Hours.
- To add hours, use the row that starts with New. Make the changes to the pay type, shift, or labor levels first, and then complete the entry for the number of hours.
Each pay type configured in the software can be setup as a Worked or an Unworked pay type, with the additional option of allowing the Worked / Unworked designation to be changed by the user. Unless the pay type is defined as Unworked and Fixed, hours entered here will be considered Worked. This can be important when adding hours that were owed and not worked in the pay period you are working in, in regards to the calculation of period overtime.
Other Hours Screen
The Other Hours screen gives you more control over the entry of hours, as well as enabling you to enter hours for multiple days.
Other Hours added previously for the pay period you are working in will appear in the bottom grid upon opening the Other Hours screen. Edit these entries directly in the grid or delete entries by selecting the row header and pressing the Delete Selected Hours button, or pressing the Delete key on your keyboard.
Pay Date vs. Actual Date
Two calendars are provided. The calendar in the upper left corner represents the pay date(s) of the hours. The calendar next to it represents the date when the hours actually occurred. We refer to these dates as the actual dates.
If you do not specify an actual date when adding hours, then it will be the same as the pay date. You are restricted to pay dates within the working pay period; however, there is no restriction on the actual dates. For example, if an employee is taking vacation next week and you want to pay them in this week’s payroll, then the pay date(s) will need to be in the pay period that you are about to pay, but the actual dates would be the dates that the employee is on vacation. (PBJ hours are submitted according to Actual Date).
Selecting Multiple Dates in Either Calendar
After selecting one date from the calendar, then you can select other dates in two ways.
- To select consecutive days, hold down the shift key and then click on the second date. All dates between the two selected dates are selected.
- To select non-consecutive dates, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the other dates you want to select.
Specifying Pay Dates and Actual Dates
There are three ways to specify the pay dates and actual dates:
- If the pay date and actual date are the same, then only select the date(s) from the pay date calendar.
- If you want to specify that the same pay date be used for one or more actual dates, then select one date from the pay date calendar and the range of dates from the actual date calendar.
- If you want to specify a different pay date for each actual date, then you must select the same number of dates from each calendar.
The Add Hours button enables when a legitimate combination of dates is selected. A textual description of the dates used displays in the area between the calendars and the grid.
Uncheck the "Hours occur on these date(s)" checkbox if you decide not to use the actual dates.
Adding Hours
After selecting the dates, specify the number of hours, the shift, the pay type and the labor levels.
The number of hours may be based on the pay type selected. The number of hours can change based on whether this pay type is paid as a full day or whether it is based on the employee's shift information.
A Pre-Paid Hours option is also available. This is used to separate out hours when creating a payroll file, so that pre-paid hours will appear on separate checks.
Click on the Add Hours button and the hours will appear in the grid. You can also click on the Add and Close button to add the hours and return to the Time Card screen immediately.
When using the Scheduler module, you can link the schedule status types used when adding placeholders to a pay type. For example, the "Called In Sick" status type can be linked to the "Sick" pay type.
Placeholders that use a linked schedule status type automatically appear in the Placeholders tab. The status of the placeholder will be Pending by default, and can be changed to Approved, Not Approved or Pre-Paid.
- Approved – this will add hours using the pay type and hours amount. The pay type and hours can be changed before selecting Approved.
- Unapproved – the employee is not eligible for payment of hours, so they are not approved.
- Pre-Paid – the employee was already paid for these hours, so does not require payment.
Employees with placeholders that are Pending, Approved, Unapproved or Pre Paid are highlighted using the Employee Highlighter.
Recalculate Time Cards
The Recalculate Time Cards command under the Home ribbon tab can be used to manually recalculate a time card when there was changes made on the employee settings. This will recalculate the time card displayed and all the future time cards for this employee. Extra caution should be taken not to recalculate a time card that is already closed as doing so may change the hours on it and on all subsequent time cards even if they are closed pay periods.
(To calculate only the time card displayed on the screen, hold down the Shift button before clicking on the employee. Once the employee is selected, let go of the Shift key. You can then navigate to the pay period that you want to recalculate and click the recalculate button).
Time cards are automatically recalculated when a new punch comes in and also in the middle of the night.
Print Time Cards
The Time Card Report for Current Employee is used to print the current displayed time card. It will open as a PDF which can be printed.
(Use Ctrl to print rates. Use Alt to open report settings).