Employment Reports

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CPR Expiration dates

Displays employees who have a CPR expiration date within the selected date range.

Drug Screen Report

Displays employee with missing drug screen information.

EEO-1 Report

When completing the EEO-1, use data from only one pay period and include both part-time and full-time employees. See this link for more details: [1]

(If running it for the current pay period then filter for Active employees on the Current Status tab. If running it for a prior pay period then select all on the Current Status tab and filter instead on the Advanced/Status By Date Range tab).

The EEO-1 will only count employees that have all 3 filled in:

  • EEOC Category
  • Gender
  • Race

All employees that are not counted are listed by name on the bottom of the report.

EOC Report

The EEOC report displays all employees to show their EEOC category or if it's not filled in.

Expiring and Due Dates

Reports on employees with expiring and due dates in their Licensing, Health and I9 information within a selected date range. The Options tab allows you to select what information to report on. This report does NOT perform missing date checking. You should use this report in conjunction with the Missing Dates report. Otherwise, use the individual Health Due, I9 Expiration Dates, and License Expiration Dates, which check BOTH missing and expiring/due dates.

Employee Expiring and Due Dates Letter

This is a template form letter that is printed one page per employee and allows you to customize the letter content. The following placeholders can be used when composing your form letter:

<Image>d:\pictures\logo.bmp</Image> allows for an image to be placed at the top and center of the page. Provide the full path to the image.

<Employee> will print the employee's first and last name.

<Date> will print the current date.

<EarliestDate> will print the earliest of the expiring/due dates.

<DateDescriptions> will print the expiring/due descriptions.

<LastDates> will print the previous descriptions and dates (if applicable).

<NextDates> will print the expiring/due descriptions and dates.

Line breaks are made with the Enter key. Tabs are not currently supported.

Employees With CPR Certification

Displays employees who have a CPR date entered.

Employees With IV Certification

Displays employees who have IV certification date entered.

Employment Dates

Displays employees that have license, health, employment, and custom dates, within the selected date range. Including checking for missing dates. Choose the date types you want to check in the Options tab.

Health Dates

Displays health dates within the selected date range. Including checking for missing dates.

Health Due Dates

Reports on employees with Health due dates within a selected date range. There is a dedicated column for each health due date and employees that do not have their date information entered will show up as **MISSING** on the report. Although the Rubella and Measles do not have a due date (only a received date), this report will still check that these dates are not missing.

HHS OIG Search

U.S Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General search.

I9 Expiration Dates

Reports on employees with I9 expiration dates within a selected date range. There is a dedicated column for each I9 expiration date and employees that do not have their date information entered will show up as **MISSING** on the report.

Influenza Report

This report will provide a list of all employees indicating if they got the Influenza shot. Select a Date-Range and choose on the Options tab if you want the report to show all who got it in the date-range or all who didn't get it in the date-range.

Licenses Expiration Dates

Reports on employees with license expiration dates within a selected date range. There is a dedicated column for each license expiration date and employees that do not have their date information entered will show up as **MISSING** on the report.

Missing Dates

Reports on employees with missing dates in their Licensing, Health and I9 information. The Options tab allows you to select what information to report on. Note that the Health Due, I9 Expiration Dates and License Expiration Dates reports also check for missing dates. This report is used in conjunction with the Expiring and Due Dates report.

Missing Document IDs

Displays employees who have missing documents IDs in their license or employment information.

Pneumococcal Report

Displays employees with their Pneumococcal Vaccination status.

SAM Search

System for Award Management search which replaced EPLS.

SSN Not Verified

Displays employees who have not had their SSN verified.

Turnover Report

Turnover is calculated as Terminated divided by the average of Starting and Ending.

Terminated / [(Starting + Ending) / 2]

All employees that have a status that is not displayed by default when opening the software are considered terminated.

Union Report

Displays employees who have their Union date within the selected date range.

See Also