Holidays Configuration

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This topic is for advanced users


The holidays are organized as a holiday group that is comprised of selected holidays. The employee is assigned to the holiday group. The rules of the holiday can be set at either the holiday group level, or on each specific holiday. This allows you to define each holiday once, assign it to all of your holiday groups, and then use the holiday group settings to calculate how many hours to pay to employees assigned to that holiday group.

The screens for the holiday group and the holiday are very similar, because they use many of the same settings.


Main Holiday Groups


Holiday Group ID / Holiday ID – an identifier for the holiday, i.e. Thanksgiving.

Pay Date – the date of the holiday. This date is updated based on the date type that is selected.

Main Holidays


Date Type – an internal identifier for this holiday. A perpetual calendar is maintained that links each date type with a specific date. Holidays can be observed on different days by different companies, so select the date type that matches your holiday policy. The actual date of the holiday can be different from the date your company observes the holiday. For example, if Independence Day (July 4th) occurs on a weekend, your company may choose to observe the day before (Friday, the 3rd) as the holiday, so this day would be entered as Independence Day Alternate.

Use Holiday Group Settings For Holiday – use the settings from the holiday group for the rules used to calculate the holiday.

Use Holiday Group Settings For Worked – use the settings from the holiday group for the rules used to calculate, if there are any changes to be made to hours worked on the holiday.



Paid Hours Level

  • Employee Daily Hours – the Daily Hours setting in the employee's work pattern will be used as the number of hours to pay for the holiday.
  • Employee Daily Hours Proportioned By Shift Count – the Daily Hours setting in the employee's work pattern will be multiplied by the employee's work pattern Shift Count, but divided by the pay rule setting of Full Time Shift Count Per Pay Period. Therefore, if the employee works 2 shifts per pay period and 5 shifts is considered full time, then they will get paid 2/5ths of the number of hours they work in a day.
  • Fixed Hours – uses the Paid Hours setting.
  • Paid Hours – the number of hours to pay for the holiday if Fixed Hours is set as the Paid Hours Level.

Pay Type – the pay type to use for paying the holiday.

Pay Minimum Of Worked Hours – if the employee works on the holiday, then the holiday hours will not be less than the number of hours they worked even if the Paid Hours Level is set to pay less. (Example: Paid Hours Level is 8, but the employee worked 9 hours so it will pay 9 HOL).

Pay Maximum Of Worked Hours – if the employee works on the holiday, then the holiday hours will not exceed the number of hours they worked even if the Paid Hours Level is set to pay more. (Example: Paid Hours Level is 8, but the employee worked 7 hours so it will pay 7 HOL).

Pay Type If Worked – the pay type to use for paying the holiday if they worked on the holiday.

Pay Type If Day Off Not Taken – the pay type to use if the employee worked their shift count or higher. This is typically set for those that want to pay Unused Holiday when you don't take a day off.

Pay Type If Not Regular Scheduled Day – is only used for employees in the scheduler and checks if the employee does not have a schedule pattern for the date of the holiday.

Holiday Applies To


Holiday Qualifiers


Seniority – the number of days that the employee must have been employed. This is calculated as the number of days from the employee's hire date to the date of the holiday.

Day Before – the employee must have worked the first day before the holiday that has a schedule with a schedule type that is considered active.

Day After – the employee must work the first day after the holiday that has a schedule with a schedule type that is considered active.

Worked Days Required in Week Of Holiday – the employee must work this number of days in the week as defined as starting on the Week Starts On day.

Week Starts On – the start of the holiday week.

Worked Day Required In Pay Period – the employee must work this number of days in the pay period that the holiday occurred in.

Holiday Labor Levels




Scheduled Day Before - Employee must work on the first scheduled day before the holiday or have a placeholder that is set to skip or qualify as worked (if skip then the scheduled day before that needs to qualify etc. up to 100 days).

Scheduled Day After - Employee must work on the first scheduled day after the holiday or have a placeholder that is set to skip or qualify as worked (if skip then the scheduled day after that needs to qualify etc. up to 100 days).

Worked Holiday


Worked Hours Rule – check this if the worked hours are to be changed or adjusted for working on a holiday.

Pay Type For Worked Hours – the pay type for the hours worked on the holiday.

Move Worked Hours – check this if the hours now paid using the Pay Type For Worked Hours should be deducted from the original pay type.

Worked Hours Maximum Of Holiday Hours – this caps the calculated work hours to the number of hours paid for the holiday.

Worked Holiday Applies To


Worked Holiday Qualifiers


Minimum/Maximum Worked Hours - worked hours required in the pay period of the holiday.

Worked Holiday Labor Levels


See also