Scheduling Reports
The Scheduling reports are used before the creation of schedules and placeholders when using the Scheduler module.
Budget Hours Versus Base Schedule Hours
The budgetary scheduling control is primarily based upon shift count. It is also possible to specify that each budget item represents a certain number of hours and that each base schedule also represents a certain number of hours. This report can show you where you are over budget based on these hour amounts.
Budget Versus Schedule Patterns
These reports compare the budgeted shift count against the number of schedule patterns that are referencing each budget item. The different reports allow you to see where you are either over budget or under budget. In addition, planned absences can be included (Monthly) or excluded (Master) from the count. The Over Budget - Monthly version should always be run before building schedules, because if this report is not empty, then some employees will end up without their expected schedules.
Employee Planned Absences
Shows you employees who have at least one planned absence in the selected date range.
Employee Planned Absences Pivot Grid
Analyze the planned absences in a pivot grid so that you can see total days off.
See Pivot Grid for more detail.
Employee Slotting Versus Schedule Pattern
Displays employees with their weekly schedule pattern count not equal to their shift count information.
Schedule Patterns Without Budget
Displays employee schedule patterns that are not budgeted. For example, this occurs when an employee is scheduled for a position that only exists during the week, but they have been scheduled for the weekend.
Schedule Pattern Report
These reports are effectively a projected view of the Monthly Schedule report available in Schedules and Staffing. This allows you to see what your monthly schedule will look like without actually building the schedules.