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This topic is for advanced users

Correct configuration of the software ensures that your company’s pay rules and policies are applied correctly. An unlimited number of pay rules, base schedules, holiday rules, and accrual rules can be configured so as to correctly pay employees for both worked and unworked hours.

Access to the configuration should be restricted to those in an administrative role through the user authorizations. If you have access to the configuration setup, then you should not make any changes without fully understanding the implications and scope of the changes.

The configuration items are available from the Configuration ribbon tab. The configuration items are organized into categories of a related nature.



The Setup menu deals with system wide settings, labor level configuration and time clock configuration. Configure these before the first employee is entered into the software.


The calculation configuration deals with the rules of calculation like the pay periods, rounding, overtime rules and the payment of holidays and holiday overtime.


The Schedules configuration deals with the information required for the schedules, which includes the pay types, the break and lunch rules, and the shift designations.


The accruals configuration is where all of your accrual policies are set up. This includes the pay types to accrue, the periods in which to accrue, and the level of earnings.


The employee configuration deals with customization of information displayed under the Employee tab. This includes the ability to define your own custom tabs, employee status types that you will be maintaining, and contact types such as phone numbers

In Service

The In Services configuration defines the in services and the relationships between in service groups and in service categories.


Please see the Scheduler configuration page that explains the scheduler configuration process step by step.


The Other configuration items are an assortment of miscellaneous configuration items used throughout the software.

See also