Hours Pivot Grid

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Fields available to display in the Hours Pivot Grid:

* FT/PT/Contract (1)

All employee that are not In-House are marked as Contract. For the In-House employees it uses the shift count on the work pattern to determine if FT or PT. PD are included under PT.

In-House and Full-Time Shift Count = "1. Full Time"

In-House and not Full-Time Shift Count = "2. Part Time" In-House and 0 Shift Count = "2. Part Time" In-House and No work pattern = "2. Part Time"

Contract or Unknown = "3. Contract"

* FT/PT/Contract (2)

All employee that are not In-House are marked as Contract. For the In-House employees it uses the FT/PT/PD on the work pattern to determine if FT or PT. PD are included under PT.

In-House and FT on Work Pattern = "1. Full Time"

In-House and PT on Work Pattern = "2. Part Time" In-House and PD on Work Pattern = "2. Part Time"

In-House and No work pattern = "Unknown"

Contract or Unknown = "3. Contract"

* FT/PT/Contract (3)

All employee that are not In-House are marked as Contract. For the In-House employees it uses the FT/PT/PD on the work pattern to determine if FT, PT or PD.

In-House and FT on Work Pattern = "1. Full Time"

In-House and PT on Work Pattern = "2. Part Time"

In-House and PD on Work Pattern = "Per Diem"

In-House and No work pattern = "Unknown"

Contract or Unknown = "3. Contract"