Immuware Export

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Employee missing facility or company will not be included in the export. This report is currently set up mostly for a multi facility which is why the ID is a combination of the facility and employee ID (to make it unique).

Personnel Type Id: 1 for inhouse, 2 for non-inhouse

Personnel Type*: Employee for inhouse, Contractor for non-inhouse

Personnel Id*: Facility ID + Employee ID for a multi facility software

First Name*: first + middle

Last Name*:

Email: If blank then set their Immuware Workforce User column to 0

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)*: If blank and is not Inhouse then set to 01/01/2000.

Last 4 Digits of SSN:

Job Title Id*: Dept ID

Job Title*: Dept description

Phone Number: Home number

Mobile Phone: cell number

Facility Id*: Facility ID (License name for single facility software)

Facility*: Facility description (License name for single facility software)

Facility Short: blank

Location/Dept Id*: Dept ID

Location/Dept*: Dept description

Group Affiliation Id: Company ID

Group Affiliation: Company description

LOA Start Date: blank for now

LOA End Date: blank for now

Supervisor Personnel Id: blank

Hire Date*: hire date

Position Start Date: blank

Termination Date: last inactive date but only if it's employee is actually inactive now according to the real inactive date

Is Active*: 1 for true, 0 for false (will only be 0 if Termination date is filled in)

Workforce Immuware User: 2 for inhouse, 0 for non-inhouse. also 0 if email is blank.

Immuware Username: Fac ID + Emp ID for inhouse, blank for non-inhouse

Mother's Maiden Name: blank

Gender: F, M, or U null/blank





Zip Code:

Race: 1002-5 Native American, 2028-9 Asian, 2054-5 Black, 2076-8 Native Hawaiian, 2106-3 White, 2131-1 Other

Ethnicity: 2135-2 for Hispanic, 2186-5 for Non-hispanic (from Race)

Multiple Birth?: blank

Birth Order if Multiple Birth is Yes: blank