In Services Reports

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Employee In Service History

An In Service summary of both In Services taken and mandatory In Services not taken.

Employee In Service History (Excel)

This report requires the tags filled in for each In Service as the tags will be used for the column headers in Excel. It also requires all the group ID's to be filled in and unique as these will be used for the sheet names in Excel. It also only displays mandatory In Services taken.

Employee In Service Pivot Grid

A pivot Grid of the In Services completed by employees.

Employee In Services Not Taken

An employee history of the mandatory In Services not taken within the selected date range.

Employee In Services Summary

A summary of the In Services taken within the selected date range.

Employee In Services Taken

Select employees, a date range and in services and get a report of the employees that completed the selected in services within the date range selected.

In Service Configuration

A list of the In Services including the length and the mandatory status.

See Also