Union Schedule Replacement Report

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The Union Schedule Replacement report is a format requested by 1199 SEIU. It will include the union employees displaying their regular scheduled days as being either worked or unworked. If a regular scheduled day is unworked, the attendance reason or benefit paid will display and the employee who replaced them will be shown. The report requires configuration of the software and the inclusion of all staff including the agency staff when you run the report from Reports / Staffing / Union Schedule Replacement. If you skip any of the following steps, the report will not be correct.


For this report an employee is the term we are using for a payroll employee that belongs to the union, and a replacer is any employee or agency staff member that worked instead of an employee for one or more of their regularly scheduled days.


There are a number of settings that the software needs in order to correctly identify employees from the replacers, and worked days from unworked days.

Identifying Employees

  • If your software has a company labor level then only the employees in companies that are identified as being part of your payroll will display as employees. This is done in Configuration / Setup / Labor Levels / Company. The setting is named Is In House.
  • To identify that an employee is in the union there are 2 options. The first is that their department is marked as Is Union. This is done in in Configuration / Setup / Labor Levels / Department. The second option is at the employee level. If the Union Date is not empty (Employee / Employment / General tab) then they will be considered to be in the union from their union date.
  • To identify that an employee is NOT in the union although their department is marked as Is Union, you can use the Not In Union setting on the Employee / Misc tab.

Identifying Regularly Scheduled Days

The employee's schedule pattern is the only source of identifying what days are considered regularly scheduled days. Employees without schedule patterns or with incorrect schedule patterns will create an incorrect report. The employee must also be in an employee status type that allows them to be scheduled (Employee / Status tab).

Identifying Worked Days

The schedules that are used for calculating hours are identified by the software. These appear with highlighted start and end times in the employee's Schedules tab. However, if soft scheduling is used, an employee can calculate hours without a schedule. As such, we will also look for hours paid. These hours must be paid using pay types that you consider represent worked hours (as opposed to unworked or benefit hours). This is done in Configuration / Schedule / Pay Types in the Rates and Payroll tab. In the Union Report ID field, enter an X if you considered this pay type to be for worked hours.

Identifying Unworked Days

The union requires you to identify unworked days using one of the following keys:

V Vacation Day
H Holiday
S Sick Day
P Personal Day
L Other Paid Leave
O Other

Employees do not always have the benefit time available to be paid for an unworked day so the report will use both placeholders and pay types to find the key that the union requires. In Configuration / Schedule / Schedule Status Types in the Misc tab, update the Union Report ID on any schedule status types that you consider falls into one of the above keys. The schedule status types are used in two places in the software. They are used in the planned absences and they are used when giving the employee a placeholder. Not all schedule status types represent an unworked day. For example, you may have an Available schedule status type that should have the Union Report ID left empty.

If using soft scheduling, there is no guarantee that the employee that did not work a schedule was updated and given a placeholder in lieu of the schedule. They were however paid for the day off with other hours. You can also identify unworked days in Configuration / Schedule / Pay Types in the Rates and Payroll tab. In the Union Report ID field, enter one of the above keys if you considered this pay type to be used for an unworked day.

Identifying the Shift

Displaying AM, PM, MN, 1, 2 or 3 on this report may make complete sense to you as to what shift you are referring to but the union is most likely more comfortable seeing Day, Evening and Night. As such in Configuration / Schedule / Shifts you need to complete the Union Report ID field.


The software will display the description of the employee's department in the Title column. No configuration is required for this.

Running the Report

The layout of the report was provided by the union. This was an Excel worksheet that we have modified to handle that employees on vacation or LOA may be replaced by many different employees, not just one or two. The template is available from Tools / Folders / Templates Folder and is named UnionScheduleReplacementTemplate.xlsx. If you wish to modify the template, we suggest you rename it as we may modify the original template and overwrite your modifications. If you have a single facility software then you need to enter your facility name in cell C2. In a multi-facility software, cell C2 will be updated with the labor level description (Configuration / Setup / Labor Levels / Facility).

  • You select the template in the Options tab in the Filename field.
  • In a multi-facility software you must select one facility when running the report.
  • You must select ALL employees / replacers when running the report. We suggest that you have everything selected under every tab (except Facility), especially the Current Status tab.
  • Your date range should be for one calendar month. The software will hide the columns at the end of the month that are not required in months with less than 31 days.

Understanding the Report

An employee with at least one schedule pattern will show once for each shift that they have a schedule pattern for. That is, an employee that is scheduled for double shifts will show twice.

If an employee worked the date and shift that corresponds to their schedule pattern then an X will display. For example, an employee with a 1 week schedule pattern, Tuesday thru Thursday, will show an X for each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday that they worked. If they did not work a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday then the software will look for a placeholder with a schedule status type that has an Union Report ID that is either V, H, S, P, L or O. If it does not find a placeholder then it will look for hours paid with a pay type that has an Union Report ID that is either V, H, S, P, L or O. If a placeholder or hours is found, the key will display instead of X and the cell will be highlighted in yellow.

Important - if no placeholder or hours are found the report will leave the cell empty but highlight the cell in red. This indicates a potential issue that needs to be reviewed.

Replacers - when a cell is highlighted yellow or red then the software will look for the replacer for that schedule. A replacer cannot have a schedule pattern that corresponds to that date and shift. A replacer can only be a replacer once for the same date and shift. A replacer is first found by looking for schedules that once belonged to the employee and that now belong to the replacer. The second method to find a replacer is to find a schedule that matches the employee's schedule pattern but it is not a regular schedule for the replacer. The third method is to find hours that match by date and shift. In all matches, the budget group must be the same between an employee and a replacer. We also try to first match by the same floor then try to find a match without the floor. If no replacer is found then the cell has a key but is highlighted in red. This indicates a potential issue that needs to be reviewed.

Employees Not In The Scheduler

The report can only provide information about replacers if employees have schedule patterns. Generally these are entered because the employees are part of the scheduler process. For departments that are not in the scheduler, the report can be setup to use the schedule patterns although the employees are not in the scheduler. Otherwise, the report can only use hours worked and benefit days paid to approximate the report and no replacer information can be shown on the report.